A Look at Long Beach Crime Statistics
Being arrested for a crime can be overwhelming and confusing. All it takes for an arrest is suspicion and some level of evidence. Whether it is weak or misleading evidence, it is, nonetheless, proof of some wrongdoing which can lead to a criminal conviction if you don’t fight to protect your legal rights. Criminal statistics can be misleading in that they do not give a complete picture of the circumstances of those alleged crimes or arrests. If crime rates are high in a particular area, law enforcement may be more aggressive when it comes to making arrests, but this does not mean that they are always right.
According to the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) 2011 Crime in the United States report, the following offenses known to law enforcement were committed in Long Beach:
- 2,857 violent crimes, including 25 murders and manslaughters, 112 rapes, 1,320 robberies, and 1,400 aggravated assaults.
- 12,816 property crimes, including 3,275 burglaries, 7,329 larceny-thefts, 2,212 auto thefts, and 103 acts of arson.
Depending on the crime allegedly committed, if convicted, a person could face jail time, a prison sentence, fines, restitution, probation, and/or possibly hours of community service. To avoid unjust or excessive penalties, you will need to effectively defend yourself against the charges and to do that, it would be best to retain the services of an experienced Long Beach criminal defense attorney.
At The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV, our legal team is dedicated to protecting the rights of those accused of crimes in Long Beach and other areas in Southern California. To speak to a lawyer about your situation, call us at (888) 454-5569 for a free consultation.