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The Lasting Impact of Car Accidents

By Joseph Low on January 10, 2023

lady reacts to car crash while sitting in the drivers seat

Getting involved in a Long Beach car accident can be a traumatizing experience. One never prepares for the physical and emotional after-effects of such crashes. The impacts of a car accident are often long-lasting and come in many forms. This guide discusses some of the long-term effects of car accidents and how they impact your life.

The Physical Effects

Severe car accidents result in physical effects that impact your life long-term. Car accident injuries vary depending on the nature of the accident and its impact. You can walk away with only a few bruises, while others can remain bedridden for the rest of their lives due to catastrophic injuries and chronic pain. Some of the common physical injuries sustained in a car accident include:

These injuries can cause a lifetime of suffering, even with all the appropriate treatments. It is crucial to seek compensation if another person’s negligence caused the injuries.

Emotional Effects

After getting involved in a car accident, many people tend to focus on the physical effects and fail to address the emotional ones. While the physical injuries of the crash might heal after some time, emotional ones could last a lifetime. This is why getting the necessary treatment after getting involved in the crash is crucial. You can suffer effects like post-traumatic stress disorder following a car crash. Some of the common emotional side effects of a car accident include

  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Sexual dysfunctions
  • Traumatic flashbacks
  • Anger management problems
  • Sleep disturbances

These effects can impact your life significantly. You can lack a sense of enjoyment as you are dealing with a lot emotionally. Physical consequences like impairment could significantly impact your mind and result in depression. If these symptoms persist, you should seek help from a professional counselor.

Future Medical Bills

Apart from the physical and emotional after-effects of a car accident, you will also have to deal with medical bills. If you were involved in a severe accident, you would require ongoing treatment that the car accident settlement might not cover. If the injuries result in amputation, you might have to replace prosthetics several times. Besides, accident victims that sustained traumatic brain injuries may need occupational therapy sessions for their lifetime. This is vital as it helps them maintain their abilities. Many paralyzing injuries, like spinal cord injury, might leave you with infections or other complications that need additional medical care. All these needs could see you spend a fortune for a better part of your life.

Lost Income

If your injuries result in permanent impairment, they could affect your earning ability. This is why you should seek future lost income damages. Permanent disability might mean that you cannot return to work and earn a living as before. While you can still return to work after the accident, you might not have the skill and ability to execute tasks as before. This might force you to take a lower-paying position with shorter hours or less strenuous duties. Either way, you will lose your ability to generate income. This is why you should include future lost income in your car accident claim.

Seek the Services of a Long Beach Car Accident Attorney

If you were a victim of a Long Beach car accident that resulted in catastrophic injuries, you don’t have to handle the legal matters alone. Victims of such accidents may be entitled to compensation that helps them mitigate the damages suffered. At The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV, we are ready to assist you with your case and help you as you heal from these traumatic events. Give our Long Beach car accident lawyer a call today at (562) 901-0840.


This blog has been updated since it was originally posted November 28, 2016.

Posted in: Car Accident

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