Home Sex Crimes Solicitation

Long Beach Solicitation Attorneys

Prostitution is engaging in sexual acts or intercourse with another person for money or compensation. It is illegal in California, and if arrested you may be charged with a felony. Charges relating to engaging money for sex can be brought against both the prostitutes and the customer, and the consequences can be serious.

Solicitation is a crime that occurs when a person pays money or offers incentive for sex. If you have been arrested for solicitation, you may be convicted of a sex crime and face severe consequences, including:

  • Fines
  • Probation
  • Rehabilitation
  • Possible imprisonment

In order to catch people hiring prostitutes, law enforcement may set up "sting" operations using hidden cameras or surveillance. If you are caught in a situation like this, it is embarrassing and can damage your personal life. Having an experienced defense lawyer on your side can help alleviate some of the feelings of vulnerability and help protect you from a sex crime conviction.

Being charged with solicitation can adversely affect your life and the lives of those around you. The social stigma surrounding sex crimes may damaged relationships with family, friends, coworkers and significant others. Do not take the chance of being convicted of solicitation by choosing to represent your self. At The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV, our aggressive defense team has a reputation for defending the rights of the accused. Our Long Beach sex crime defense attorneys are dedicated to representing those facing criminal charges, and we will fight to establish your best possible case.

"Joseph, Thank you for your assistance. Your understanding compassion & incredible expertise are admired & appreciated. I will be referring any of my clients who require legal help to you."
- M.D.