Arrests Made in Connection With Abuses at California Adult Care Home
An assisted living facility in Rancho Cucamonga was shut down recently by police under suspicion that residents had been abused while in the facility’s care. Now, local police have arrested two of the facility’s employees on suspicion of elder abuse.
The case includes security camera footage that appears to show the two employees striking, pushing, or berating patients on at least two separate occasions. According to police, the statements of a whistleblower initiated their investigation, which uncovered further evidence that suggested abuse. Prior reports have been filed by state inspectors that involve patients with bruise injuries or with personal belongings that were “stained and had been contaminated” at this facility.
Over 1.3 million elderly American residents currently live in nursing homes, according to the Administration on Aging (AOA). The CDC estimates that there are 15,700 nursing homes nationwide. Abuse and neglect in nursing homes, assisted living facilities, and long term care facilities have become a growing problem in recent years.
Most elderly people move into nursing homes or assisted living facilities because they need more frequent, skilled help with their daily needs than their families can provide at home. Families trust nursing home staff to have the experience, supervision, and resources necessary to provide competent, compassionate care. When these expectations are not met, the consequences can be severe.
By working with an experienced attorney, you can help a loved one seek justice if abuse or neglect has caused harm. The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV can help. Contact us at (888) 454-5569 to discuss your situation.