Burn Injury
Understanding the Degrees of Burn Injuries and Their Impact

Burn injuries are not only physically devastating but can also have profound emotional and psychological effects on victims. In the realm of personal injury cases, burns are unfortunately prevalent, often resulting from accidents, fires, or hazardous conditions.
Top Causes of Long Beach Burn Injuries
According to the American Burn Association (ABA) each year, an estimated 1.1 million burn injuries require medical attention. A serious burn injury can seriously affect you for the rest of your life in many ways. Not only can it cause chronic long-term pain, it can also result in scarring and deformity as well as severe emotional trauma.
Top Causes of Serious Burn Injuries
The main cause of serious burns is building fires. These can cause serious thermal burns due to contact with flames, hot surfaces and hot liquids. The severity of thermal burns is associated with a number of factors, including: the circumstances surrounding the fire, the victim’s response to the fire and the role that clothes play in the injury.