Both Front and Rear-Facing Automatic Brakes May Save Lives and Money

There isn’t a modern car company that hasn’t released a vehicle with automatic emergency brakes (AEB) in the past few years, and drivers are slowly adapting to this new technology. In fact, all major companies have announced the goal of adding AEB technology to all light vehicles by 2022.
But while no one will disagree that automatic front brakes can reduce rear-end collisions, rear-facing sensors may also improve pedestrian and driver safety.
The Value of Front-Facing Automatic Brakes
Front-facing AEB technology has reduced rear-end collisions by 50%, reduced rear-end collisions involving injuries by 56%, and front-facing warning systems have also dropped accident rates by 23%, according to the Insurance Institute of Highway Safety (IIHS). In addition, further research by IIHS suggests that equipping semi-trucks with AEB technology could reduce 40% of all rear-end truck collisions.
The main value of this technology is that it can make up for dangerous driving habits. The majority of accidents come from human error, such as speeding, tailgating, or distracted driving, but this technology can override these behaviors and place safety first. AEB technology does not care if a driver is rushing or impatient; its only focus is on preventing collisions and saving lives. If every vehicle had this technology, it could prevent serious injuries at intersections or traffic stops. But this technology could also reduce other types of accidents.
What Are Rear-Facing Brake Systems?
Most high-end cars now have rear-facing cameras to help drivers back out of their parking spots and garages, but some models are being equipped with rear-facing sensors. These devices are designed to detect objects, pedestrians, or other vehicles near the back of a car and will automatically activate the brakes before a collision occurs. While these types of collisions are less common than rear-end accidents, if this technology can prevent injuries, there is no reason not to implement it. In fact, 9% of all pedestrian deaths in parking lots are due to drivers recklessly backing out of parking spots.
Further research from the IIHS reveals that vehicles equipped with rear-facing AEB saw a 17% decrease in personal injury claims and a 13% reduction in MedPay claims. Follow-up reports have also shown a 28% drop in property damage claims. For context, backing-out accidents accounted for more than $8 billion in damages over a seven-year period.
Together, these two pieces of technology could prevent thousands of accidents each year and save victims the costs of dealing with medical bills, repairs, and a great deal of trauma.
Contact a Skilled Trial Lawyer After an Accident
Until every driver has adopted this new technology, California roads will still be treacherous for both drivers and pedestrians alike. Thousands of people are injured every year due to negligent drivers, many of whom are left with hefty medical bills and lifelong trauma. But receiving compensation for an accident is either said than done when dismissive insurance companies crowd the market.
No one deserves to have their trauma devalued by a faceless corporation, and your best option may be to contact an experienced Long Beach car accident attorney. For over 20 years, Joseph H. Low IV has dedicated his life to recovering full compensation for accident victims who’ve suffered at the hands of negligent drivers. He is no stranger to a courtroom and is not afraid to fight against powerful insurance companies on behalf of his clients. The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV is ready to take on your case and advocate for your best interests. Call our firm at (562) 901-0840 or toll-free (888) 454-5569 today to get your free case evaluation.