blog home Car Accident How to Avoid Distracted Drivers and Being a Distracted Driver during the Holidays

How to Avoid Distracted Drivers and Being a Distracted Driver during the Holidays

By Joseph Low on December 21, 2012

The holidays are “the most wonderful time of year” for many, but it is also one of the most crowded and traffic congested time of the year. Families visiting relatives, making last minute few trips to the shopping mall, and a great many other errands essential to the holidays make getting from point A to point B a lot more complicated.

As an experienced Long Beach car accident attorney, Joseph H. Low, understands that the holidays are a busy time, but also encourages every driver to practice proper safety in order to avoid turning the holidays into a negative experience. When you are on the road, it is important to focus on the task at hand regardless of how many people you still have to buy gifts for or how many people are coming over for dinner. Here are a few tips to both help you stay away from distracted drivers while making sure that you don’t become one yourself:

  • Have a plan. Don’t just get into your car and figure out where you’re going and what you’re doing along the way.
  • Create a list. If you write down what you need to do, you won’t be trying to remember all of it while you’re driving.
  • Don’t rush. You may feel rushed, but if you let that influence your driving, then you may end up causing a speeding accident.
  • Be aware of drivers around you. If you notice other drivers without their lights on, drifting into other lanes of traffic, speeding or driving otherwise erratically, stay away from them.

The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV would like to wish everyone a Happy Holiday! And you can help ensure it stays that way by being a conscientious driver.

Posted in: Car Accident

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