How Injuries Can Lead to Expressive Aphasia

Brain injuries are incredibly severe and could result in a number of chronic conditions that could affect the ability to live the life you once enjoyed. One condition that could potentially develop due to a brain injury is expressive aphasia. Those with expressive aphasia may have difficulty communicating, problems understanding words or sentences, and are unable to use or comprehend proper grammar. If your condition is particularly extensive, you may need speech therapy or other forms of treatment to address it.
The Impact of Expressive Aphasia on Life Experience
If you suffer from expressive aphasia, you know the impact it could have on both your personal and professional life. When you cannot sufficiently express yourself or understand what others are saying to you, it can make daily life exceptionally challenging to get through. You know what you want to say but cannot communicate the message.
Those with expressive aphasia may also have problems with:
- Reading and writing
- Handling money
- Using numbers
- Determining time
Since many crucial skills are impacted by expressive aphasia, it can also have a major impact on your ability to maintain gainful employment. On a personal level, expressive aphasia can severely limit your ability to connect with others and develop new relationships.
Other signs of expressive aphasia include:
- Repeating words or sentences
- Problems following instructions
- Inability to name common objects
- Trouble finding the words you want to use
What Causes Expressive Aphasia?
Although expressive aphasia can be caused by strokes, brain tumors, or dementia, it can also be caused by traumatic brain injuries.
Some of the most common causes of expressive aphasia include:
- Car accidents
- Bicycle accidents
- Truck accidents
- Motorcycle accidents
- Slip and fall accidents
- Sports injuries
- Violent attacks
How to Treat Expressive Aphasia
It may be possible for expressive aphasia to improve without treatment. If you want to improve your chances of reducing its symptoms, treatment is strongly recommended. Generally, treatment is administered by a speech and language therapist.
These are the goals of expressive aphasia treatment:
- To help restore language and speech
- To help improve your ability to communicate
- To find other ways of communicating
- To provide necessary information to both patients and their loved ones
Speech and language therapy usually involves many short sessions within a short span of time and can be intense. Many of the most noticeable changes will take place early on, though improvements may continue to appear years later.
Discuss the Details of Your Case with a Skilled Long Beach Personal Injury Attorney
If you were injured in an accident caused by negligence that ultimately resulted in expressive aphasia, you need to consult with an experienced Long Beach personal injury lawyer. With an attorney at your side, you could pursue the compensation you need to cover medical bills and treatment for your condition. Call The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV today at (562) 901-0840 and toll-free (888) 454-5569 to schedule an initial case evaluation to get started!