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Long Beach Lawyer Joseph Low IV Speaks at Law Seminar in Honor of Attorney Bob Chaloupka

By Joseph Low on November 7, 2012

The Bob Chaloupka Trial Skills Seminar was held in Scottsbluff last week in honor of Attorney Robert “Bob” Chaloupka, who had died in 2009, according to an article in the Star-Herald. Chaloupka’s partner in law recommended the creation of the seminar as a way to honor his work and contributions to his clients and the legal community as well as to preserve his values in relationships and working together.

Military defense attorney Joseph Low IV was one of the presenters at the seminar, helping lawyers improve their skills when it comes to questioning potential jurors during voir dire, the process used to determine whether any potential juror is biased or otherwise unfit to deal with the task of serving objectively on a jury. Other attorneys spoke about topics such as forensic evidence and cross-examining witnesses in criminal defense cases.

During the seminar, attorneys who knew Bob Chaloupka took a moment or two to remember him. Joseph Low asked for a moment of silence in memory of Bob as he sounded a 10-bell salute, as is the custom in a boxing ring when honoring a boxer who has passed. The hope is for the seminar to become an annual event to encourage professional growth and legal education.

Joseph H. Low has been fighting for the rights of California citizens since his time as a U.S. Marine and has dedicated his legal career to protecting those who would be oppressed or wronged by corporations, insurance companies, governments, and public organizations. To speak to Attorney Low about your situation, call us for a free consultation at (888) 454-5569.

"Joseph, Thank you for your assistance. Your understanding compassion & incredible expertise are admired & appreciated. I will be referring any of my clients who require legal help to you."
- M.D.