Military Defense Attorney Joseph Hawkins Low IV to Speak on Support for Veterans at Western Nebraska Community College

For many veterans, coming home after being at war can be the beginning of an entirely different battle. As a former United States Marine and an advocate for veterans, military defense lawyer Joseph Hawkins Low IV will be presented by the Chaloupka Holyoke Snyder Chaloupka Longoria & Kishiyama Law Firm at Western Nebraska Community College on Friday, November 2, 2012 at noon.
At WNCC, Mr. Low will discuss the difficulties that combat veterans face when returning to civilian life and when overcoming the challenges of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and traumatic brain injury (TBI). Mr. Low is an active participant in organizations that focus on cultivating veterans’ sense of purpose for their skills and experience. Dedicated to his clients, Mr. Low provides them with support and assistance, both before and after trial, especially when he or she is struggling with PTSD and/or TBI.
As a determined and compassionate attorney, Mr. Low has provided quality and effective legal defense for servicemen and servicewomen across the globe. In his work of revealing the injustice of criminal charges that stem from “the fog of war” in Iraq and Afghanistan, Mr. Low travels to the location where alleged crimes and other incidents affecting his clients have reportedly occurred.
Mr. Low successfully represented Cpl. Marshall Magincalda (USMC) who was wrongfully accused of murdering an Iraqi civilian. Cpl. Magincalda received a “not guilty” verdict and Mr. Low was honored to pin the Purple Heart on him. Mr. Low also helped Sgt. Jermaine Nelson (USMC) get charges of shooting an unarmed civilian during The Battle of Fallujah dismissed before trial.
Mr. Low’s experience in combat offers his clients unique legal guidance and representation in that he understands the demands and responsibilities of serving in the military and having to make last minute decisions that could save or cost lives. If you or someone you care about is facing serious charges, contact Joseph Low today for a free consultation by calling (888) 454-5569.