blog home Personal Injury During Eye Safety Month, Practice Ways to Protect against Eye Injuries

During Eye Safety Month, Practice Ways to Protect against Eye Injuries

By Joseph Low on March 2, 2015

close-up of person's eye

March is Workplace Eye Safety Awareness Month in California and other states, and many organizations are already encouraging workers to learn more about the risks they may face on the job.  Although many California workers think that eye injuries happen only in construction and manufacturing jobs, the truth is that as many as 40 percent of all eye injuries occur away from industrial workplaces – in offices, laboratories, and healthcare facilities.

According to researchers at Oregon State University, nearly 2,000 eye injuries occur nationwide every work day.  Of these, about 200 to 400 require the injured person to take at least one day off work, and about ten percent of them cause temporary or permanent loss of vision.  The loss of productivity when a worker is forced to tend to an eye injury also results in lost wages and other setbacks, making eye injuries a serious concern. To discuss a claim following an accident, contact an experienced Long Beach eye injury lawyer.

How can you prevent eye injuries at work?  Consider these tips:

  • Always wear the right safety eye wear for the situation, even if you are just “passing through” a shop, construction site, laboratory, or some other area where eye protection is required.
  • Find out if small particles or dust are common in the areas where you work or visit, and make sure the safety glasses you wear in these areas have side shields.
  • Always wear safety goggles or a face shield when working with chemicals, in order to protect yourself against splashes or vapors that can harm the eyes.
  • If applicable, use eye protection designed specifically to protect against hazardous radiation, especially when welding, working with lasers, or using fiber optics.

If you have sustained an eye injury while on the job, you may be entitled to compensation for medical expenses, lost wages during recovery, and more. Contact The Law Firm of Joseph H. Low IV for immediate legal assistance.

Posted in: Personal Injury

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