blog home Military Defense Soldier Acquitted of Aiding the Enemy Charge in WikiLeaks Trial

Soldier Acquitted of Aiding the Enemy Charge in WikiLeaks Trial

By Joseph Low on August 7, 2013

the inside of an empty courtroom

The high-profile WikiLeaks case is nearing its conclusion after the Army Private accused of releasing thousands of classified documents to the popular whistle-blowing website was found guilty of 19 out of 21 charges. The Private faces a possible 136-year prison sentence for charges including espionage, theft, and computer fraud.

Ultimately, the presiding judge found the accused Private not guilty of aiding the enemy – a serious charge that drew a lot of attention to the trial in the first place. Prosecutors argued that the accused Private had indirectly disclosed classified information to the terrorist group Al-Qaeda, while the Private’s defense lawyer argued that aiding the enemy should only apply to those who directly conspire with America’s enemies.

If the charge of aiding the enemy had been upheld, legal experts feared that the ruling would set a dangerous precedent that releasing sensitive information to the public would be considered an act of treason. Such a ruling would threaten investigative reporters and whistleblowers hoping to hold the government accountable for its actions.

The sentencing phase of the WikiLeaks trial is currently underway at the time of this writing.

San Diego Military Defense Attorney Joseph H. Low IV has dedicated his career to protecting the rights of military members facing serious, life-changing accusations. As a former Marine, Mr. Low understands the complicated procedures of military court and will do everything he can to ensure that his clients’ are heard and receive a fair trial. If you are facing criminal military charges, Joseph H. Low IV can help. Call (888) 454-5569 for a free and confidential consultation.

Posted in: Military Defense

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